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公告 重磅!柚坛社区开启 MIUI13 移植计划!

Can someone explain to me how can I download the MIUI 13 for Mi pad 4? I bought with 25 M the package but when I am in the cloud site I don't know what should i do.
will follow this thread carefully, will back use this great rom after i can install Google services! really awesome works!
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反馈: umiskky
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反馈: umiskky


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反馈: umiskky
Hello! I can't download from the cloud.189.cn website. Message: 尊敬的用户,你访问的外链内容正在审核中,请稍后再访问,链接即将生效。 Add the MIUI 13 For Mi6 firmware link to OneDrive, please!
